Pasture Raised Pork (Bulk Orders)

Pigs are such happy creatures when given a new pasture to roam in. You can taste the happiness in the meat. Pastured pork is far superior in taste and nutritional quality then conventionally confined pork.  We breed our own sows every winter and let the piglets graze and playing on organic pasture land until they are a year old. If you have a deep freezer and eat pork buying a half or whole pig is a smart investment that will end up saving you money and time. 

Our pork is processed and inspected at a family owned, meat processor in Millstadt called Schuberts. 

Half Costs:

A half share of pork will yield approximately 75 to 100 pounds of freezer meat.

 1/2 meat hanging weight(100 to 110 pounds)x$4.00=$400.00 - $440.00

 Plus Processing$70.00   - $95.00   approx

 Total$470.00 - $550.00

Typical Half Share

  • Chops, 1" thick: 12 packages (2 pieces to a package)
  • Shoulder steaks, 1/2" thick: 4 packages (2 to a package)
  • Shoulder Roasts: 2 (approx 3 pounds each)
  • Ribs: 1 slab
  • Neck bones: 1 package
  • Ham and Hock (smoked): 30 lbs (custom cut)
  • Bacon and jowl bacon: 10-13 pounds
  • Trimmings for Sausage: 
        can be made into breakfast sausage, brats, or ground pork


For pricing and availability please contact Morgan @ 618-580-1658